Message from Your Guides, 29th edition
Transformative Journey Ahead. Manifest Your Inner Strength.
Hello, Abundance Manifestors and Truth Seekers,
Welcome to this week's Message from Your Guide, your weekly intuitive guidance brought to you by me, Karen Kartika. As a transformational coach and holistic healer, I am honored to be your channel. Today, I’m using three decks: the Wisdom Oracle, the Human Design Oracle, and a cherished old favorite, the Game of Life Affirmations by the renowned Florence Scovel Shinn. Affirmations, in particular, anchor me in my day-to-day life, helping me stay focused on my intentions and the life I want to create.
The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations serve as powerful reminders of who we are and what we strive to be. They help us stay grounded, especially when life gets chaotic. We often spend our days caught up in our thoughts, dwelling on past mistakes or future anxieties. Affirmations pull us back into the present, reminding us of our goals and values.
For example, if you want to be confident, affirmations like "I am confident," "I express myself clearly," and "I stand tall in my truth" can transform your mindset. Write them down, keep them visible, and repeat them daily. Over time, you'll not only feel more confident, but others will notice and reflect that confidence back to you.
Collective Card Reading
Today, I’ve pulled a set of cards for the collective. This is a message for everyone watching, providing insight into our current collective situation, the energy we need to embody, and an affirmation to anchor us.
The Situation: Regeneration
Our first card is about regeneration. Imagine a volcano erupting, fire ablaze, everything seemingly destroyed. This card reflects those moments in life where chaos and destruction feel overwhelming. But remember, after destruction comes regeneration. Despite the current chaos, new growth and transformation are possible. The universe is sending light and nourishment to help us heal and rebuild.
Energy to work with: Human Design Gate 50 – Value
Next, we need to embody the energy of Gate 50, which is about value. Think of alchemy – transforming lead into gold.
If you’re feeling lost or disconnected, reconnect with your core values. Are your actions and commitments aligning with these values? When you honor your values, you express your authentic self and attract others who resonate with your truth. This alignment brings joy and fulfillment, turning past crises into golden opportunities.
This card invites us to find our community, our tribe, those who share our values. Even in times of destruction, there’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. We may be different, but shared values like love, peace, and connection unite us.
Honoring Your Values
Here are a few questions to ponder:
Do you know your top three to five values?
How much of your daily actions align with these values?
How would your life change if you honored your values every day?
Journal your responses to these questions to gain clarity and direction.
Affirmation for the Week
"I cannot lose anything that belongs to me by divine right. I am under grace and not under law."
If you fear loss amidst destruction, remember that what is truly yours will never be lost. You are guided by grace, and the universe supports you on your path.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
If you’ve been wondering why your manifestations aren’t working, why life isn’t where you want it to be, or why, despite the many strategies you’ve deployed, nothing is working for your ideal career, partner, or business—schedule a one-on-one exploration call with me. You'll get 30 minutes of my undivided attention, during which we'll tap into the spirit of limitless possibilities and discover an optimal, effortless, and magical path forward.
And for your Message from Your Guides…
You can watch the message here or skip the video to get the reading below…
Before we move forward, take a moment to set your intention for the week ahead. Form or ask your questions. Here are some examples:
What is the energy that available for me this week?
How can I align my actions to this energy? or to my truest self?
Who am I without my “conditions” or limiting beliefs?
Feel where the message land on your body/energetic center/a situation. Each card carry healing energy. All you need to do just say in your heart “I am open to receive this healing energy”
the reveal is below
Grounding your Transformation into Reality
Embrace transformation with an open heart and grounded mind, and watch as you create gold from the chaos.
The Situation: Imagine (#20)
Our first card today represents the current situation. Picture a shadowy figure tethered to the moon, creating an ethereal and heavenly scene. Yet, this card asks us to ground ourselves in reality. While the imagery might be dreamlike, it prompts us to question whether our current ideas and plans are rooted in reality or merely in our imagination.
This card of imagination encourages us to reflect: Are our thoughts and aspirations grounded in logic, or are they floating in the clouds, potentially leading to delusion? It's crucial to discern whether our current challenges are real or just products of our minds.
Reality vs. Imagination: A Personal Anecdote
Let me share a personal story to illustrate this. I once managed a rental space and had to move some items around for cleaning. A regular visitor commented, "This isn't my blanket. Someone moved my blanket." I initially took offense, feeling accused of wrongdoing. But after reflecting, I realized the comment was simply a question, not an accusation. My mind had turned a harmless remark into a personal affront.
This experience taught me how our minds can create problems where none exist. The perceived issue was not rooted in reality but in my imagination. Recognizing this helped me see the visitor’s comment for what it was—a simple observation, not an attack.
Bouncing Ideas and Seeking Perspectives
So, what can we learn from this? It’s vital to talk to someone and get a different perspective on our situations. This helps us determine whether our concerns are grounded in reality or if they’re merely illusions. Let go of these illusions to free up mental space for creativity and positivity.
In line with our collective message, we are in a period of transformation. Old structures are falling away, and we are being called to create something new and valuable from the rubble. To do this, we must focus our mental energy on positive creation, not on illusions or negativity.
Energy to work with: Human Design Gate 36 - The Turning Point:
Our second card, representing the energy we need to embody, is the energy of the turning point. This card, under the sign of Pisces, shows what looks like bleeding tears. But looking at the location of this gate suggests the need to communicate our feelings clearly and positively. Embrace your emotions and express them effectively to clear any mental clouds and move forward with clarity and purpose.
Imagination is a powerful realm of intuition and creativity. However, when clouded by illusion, it can lead to confusion. It’s essential to ground ourselves, leaving behind any emotional clutter, and focus on what is real and true to create gold in our lives.
"Infinite Spirit, give me a definite lead, reveal to me my perfect self-expression, show me which talent I am to make use of now."
Embrace Your Authenticity
Your unique gifts and authentic self have a special place in this world. Embrace who you are and express it fully, knowing that no one else can take your place.
The Situation: Truth Be Told (#14)
The Truth Be Told card speaks directly to the heart. Imagine a scene with hearts pouring out from the center, radiating love and honesty. This card urges us to examine where we might be deluding ourselves, particularly in matters of the heart.
Speaking Your Truth
Where have you not been true to your own heart? Often, there’s a disconnect between what we say and what we genuinely feel. The heart and the mouth are meant to be aligned, but sometimes we say things just to fit in, to be accepted, or to avoid conflict. This creates a facade, masking our true selves. Deep down, you might feel, "This isn't really me," but fear of rejection keeps you from speaking your truth.
A Story of Authenticity: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Let me share an inspiring story from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson’s early wrestling career, as discussed on the Joe Rogan podcast. Initially, he was given a persona that required him to be humble and always smile, even when he was losing or being booed. Despite his initial success, this facade made him miserable, as the audience's negative reactions began to affect his self-esteem.
The turning point came when he took a break, reflecting on his career and the persona he was portraying. When he returned, he insisted on speaking directly to the audience from his heart. He dropped the facade and spoke his truth, even if it meant becoming the "bad guy." This authenticity resonated deeply with the audience, transforming his career and making him the iconic figure we know today.
The moral of story here is: connect with your heart and speak your truth. Don’t manipulate yourself into being someone you’re not just to please others. When you express yourself authentically, you align with your true self, and this authenticity is palpable to those around you.
Energy to work with: Human Design Gate 42 - Expansion
Think of a volcano: before it erupts, the lava runs wild beneath the surface, unseen. Similarly, your inner truth and potential are building up inside you. When you embrace all parts of yourself, both good and bad, you create a powerful force ready to erupt and expand.
Owning Your Space
To fully expand, you must own every space within yourself. Embrace all aspects of who you are and allow your true self to surface. If you’ve been feeling stuck in your professional or personal life, despite your efforts to look and do your best, it might be because you haven’t acknowledged hidden parts of yourself.
"There is a place that I am to fill, and no one else can fill, something I am to do which no one else can do."
As you engage with this message and reflect on how it applies to your current situation. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for more insights and updates on upcoming workshops and events.
Divine Manifestation
The divine potential within each of us deserves to be expressed fully. Don’t let yourself feel isolated or unsupported. Ask for guidance from the universe, and trust that it will lead you to the right connections and opportunities.
The Situation: Chop Wood (#42)
Chop Wood, depicted with the image of a broom. This card immediately brings to mind the wisdom of Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid: "Wax on, wax off." The message is clear—you cannot achieve your goals without putting in the necessary work. Mastery comes from consistent, diligent action.
Taking Action Toward Your Goals
If you dream of being a successful entrepreneur, it's not enough to simply imagine your business. You need to take concrete steps: identify your product or service, develop a business strategy, create a marketing plan, and execute it. Similarly, if you aspire to be a famous singer, you must practice regularly, perform, and hone your craft. Dreams remain dreams without action.
This card reminds us that even in the realm of magic and manifestation, action is crucial. You can't be a witch who never picks up the broom. Spell work, meditation, and the law of attraction are powerful, but they must be coupled with real-world effort.
Energy to work with: Human Design Gate 19 - Connection
The supporting energy is Connection. Remember, you don't have to embark on this journey alone. The belief that you must do everything by yourself can be isolating and counterproductive. There are networks, groups, and communities of like-minded individuals who can support you.
Seek Out Support
Find mentors, peers, and collaborators who are a few steps ahead of you. They can guide you, share their experiences, and help you navigate your path more efficiently. The adage "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together" holds true. Collaboration can accelerate your progress and prevent you from feeling lost or overwhelmed.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that no one understands you or that you're too unique to benefit from others' advice. However, isolating yourself and refusing help will hinder your progress. Acknowledge that you don’t know everything and that there’s always something to learn from others.
"Let the God in this child have perfect expression; let the Divine Design of the child’s mind, body, and affairs be made manifest throughout life and throughout eternity."
Whenever you resonate with a card, take a deep breath and say, "I receive the healing energy and the message." Trust that the energy is being sent to you for your highest good.
May these messages provide you with the insights you need in this moment.
If you’d like to stay updated on future messages and healings, please subscribe to my channel, and like this post & video. Your support helps me continue this work.
Thank you for tuning in, and I'll see you next time. Take care.
With love and light,
P.S. I'd love to hear your magic & miracle stories. Share your insights in the comments below! ✨
My offering:
Are you looking for answers beyond what you can see?
Do you yearn to feel alive and passionate in your pursuits, to express yourself authentically and with purpose?
Are you longing for loving, aligned relationships that nurture your soul and elevate your spirit?
This Clarity & Insights Session is for you!
60-minute virtual in-person Divination Reading. Depending on the question, I use oracle/tarot & astrology of the moment.
The reading covers:
What’s hindering you
The energies and tools that will guide and lead you to your goal
Discuss your most likely path and how to adjust it, as needed
Potential Outcomes
Question? Email me:
Energetic Healing and Intuitive Guidance Session
Unlock the potential for profound transformation in this 90-minute session tailored specifically to your needs. Through personalized energetic healing and intuitive readings, we will embark on a journey to uncover and release blockages that may be hindering your path to abundance and alignment with your highest purpose.
Together, we will delve into the depths of your energy field, identifying and dismantling any barriers that may be causing feelings of lack, anxiety, moodiness, or lethargy. Gain invaluable insight into the underlying causes of these challenges, gaining clarity and direction for your journey forward.
By addressing self-sabotaging patterns and negative energy, you will experience a profound shift in perspective, empowering you to embrace a renewed sense of clarity, vitality, and purpose. As you emerge from the session, you will feel lighter, more balanced, and deeply connected to your intuition and inner wisdom.
This transformative experience is for you if:
You feel blocked and need assistance in opening pathways to abundance.
You are experiencing feelings of lack, anxiety, moodiness, or lethargy and seek guidance.
You feel a sense of directionlessness and uncertainty about your desires and goals.
You perceive yourself as unlucky and wish to break free from negative cycles.
You recognize patterns of self-sabotage hindering your progress and seek support in overcoming them.
Embrace the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and manifestation. Step into a life filled with renewed clarity, vitality, and abundance.
Question? Email me:
Are you ready to transform your life and create the life you want?
Let’s Chat. Book a FREE exploration session now.